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Mass Effect Hair Mod: Aurora Shepard Sliders and Pompadour Hairstyle

Writer's picture: hillcipolwemidlaruhillcipolwemidlaru

From time to time EDI comments about things not specific to missions Shepard has just undertaken. In one, EDI tells Shepard that she is impressed with their continued existence because the probability of anyone surviving as long as they have is quite low. In another, she tells Shepard about one of her discussions with Liara regarding the possibility of the mass effect phenomenon in other universes. EDI goes on to theorize a bit before asking Shepard about their opinion, to which Shepard awkwardly answers that they will get back to her on that.

Background: Urea is a natural protein degradation product widely used in keratolytic preparations due to its property to promote fibrinogen decomposition and to act as a proteolytic agent dissolving and denaturing proteins. Preparations containing 20% or 40% urea in commercial ambiphylic bases are widely used to produce keratolysis. At such high concentration urea recrystallization occurs and is separated over the preparation mass, particularly if the urea content is 40%. This was the initial reason to look for a new preparation formulation that would not have the above-mentioned technological inadequacy. Considering urea's water solubility and its high content in the preparations, the most convenient form, in which recrystallisation would not occur, was gel. The aim of this work was to experimentally estimate the influence of the vehicle upon the proteolytic effect of urea on keratin in the human hair model.

Mass Effect Hair Modl

Conclusion: Keratin proteolysis effects of urea incorporated into various bases, as measured by human hair disruption forces, depended upon the base; preparations containing 20% and 40% urea in Basiscreme (ambiphylic base) had no desired proteolytic effect upon keratin fibers; proteolysis was best expressed bay urea preparations in 3.5% NaCMC gel, and proteolytic effect of these preparations was best expressed in the first hour.

k12: Absorption rate constant; CL/F: apparent drug clearance; Vc and Vh: apparent volume of distribution in the central and hair compartments, respectively; Frac amount of drug cleared into the hair as a proportion of the amount of drug in plasma at steady-state troughs; FACTOR_ Frac: effect of covariate on Frac; ɛADD and ɛPROP: additive and proportional error terms, respectively; σ: residual error; SE: standard error. *: reference group

k12: Absorption rate constant; CL/F: apparent drug clearance; Vc and Vh: apparent volume of distribution in the central and hair compartments, respectively; Frac: amount of drug cleared into the hair as a proportion of the amount of drug in plasma; FACTOR_ Frac: effect of covariate on Frac; ɛADD and ɛPROP: additive and proportional error terms, respectively; σ: residual error; SE: standard error. *: reference category

A large variety of over the counter products claim to treat hair loss pathology. This multibillion dollar, worldwide market of hair tonics, hair balms, hair masks, shampoos, leave in conditioners, topical solutions or foams function as potential anti-hair loss agents [51]. However, in most of the cases, clinical studies do not prove how these doubtful hair growth-promoters exert their expected effects of ceasing hair loss and enhancing hair regrowth [51].

To further investigate the hair growth promoting effect of a certain substance, the histopathological examination offers a precise and necessary evaluation tool for hair regrowth. Usually, at the end of the treatment period, the rats are sacrificed and a skin biopsy is isolated in order to examine the histological features. The skin thickness and hair follicles localization in the dermis/subcutis can be evaluated by microscopic photograph (magnification 400). Taking into consideration the existent knowledge about hair cyclicity, the anagen induction is calculated with the formula: (number of follicles in subcutis)x100( number of follicles in dermis). Previous microscopical studies on animals showed an association of increasing skin thickness, follicle count and macroscopic development of skin pigmentation with anagen induction [26,31].

The hair growing effect of Minoxidil has been accidentally discovered, as this antihypertensive oral drug, caused side effects such as increasing hair growth on the scalp or even darkening the fine body hairs. The 2% topical formulation was approved by the FDA in the 1990s for use in treating androgenetic alopecia in men (for central/vertex hair loss only) and in females as well (in female pattern hair loss) [59]. The 5% formulation is allowed only for males and the foam version is associated with 70% self-reported improvement.

Finasteride is considered a dihydrotestosteron-suppressing 5 alfa-reductase inhibitor, recommended for male use only, in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. It acts by decreasing the serum levels of dihydrotestosteron, stopping hair fall (in 48% of the cases) and stimulating hair regrowth (in 51% of the cases). Studies showed that 1 mg Finasterid oral treatment has a similar efficacy as daily topical Minoxidil application on the scalp, but their efficacy is seen after at least 4 months of daily usage [67,68]. These two treatments can be combined in order to boost the hair follicles, but both treatments must be performed a-la-longue, if not, the hair regrowth effect will cease. Adverse reactions are rare, still sexual dysfunctions were reported in 4% of the cases [69,70].

In order to avoid this effect, some scientists do not shave the tested area of the animal model before each daily therapy. It has been also proved that physical factors influence the hair regrowth process: temperature triggers fast regrowth after shaving.

The no-hair theorem was originally formulated for black holes within the context of a four-dimensional spacetime, obeying the Einstein field equation of general relativity with zero cosmological constant, in the presence of electromagnetic fields, or optionally other fields such as scalar fields and massive vector fields (Proca fields, etc.).[citation needed]

Plica Polonica also known as Plica neuropathica is a rare disorder of hair shaft that presents as matted hair, which are entangled to form a sticky mass. It gets the name Plica Polonica due to its high prevalence in poland in the 19th century. In Poland, Plica Polonica was seen very commonly due to deficient care of the hair as well as Polish custom of wearing tight fur caps and some other superstitions. The scalp hair has been a prime target of superstitious beliefs all over the world. In some cultures it is believed that unhealthy scalp and hair actually improves internal health. In India, it is a common religious custom to raise a plica or have long locks as an offering to God or to have divine image in the public. Plica Polonica may be caused due to external factors; however, those with religious beliefs towards formation of Plica Polonica deliberately create the irregular scalp hair mass by applying wax, tar, camphor, ash or some herbal mixtures. This article explains the clinical features, symptoms, causes and treatment of Plica Polonica.

Plica Polonica appears as compact or solid mass of scalp hair with irregular twists. The hair is irreversibly entangled to form plaits. The hair plaits get very hard over time as the keratin mass gets cemented together with dirt and exudates. The scalp hairs have matted appearance that is impenetrable. Plica Polonica is also known as birds nest due to its resemblance to irregular twists of a nest.

The treatment of Plica Polonica begins once the diagnosis of hair matting is confirmed on the basis of appearance of twisted hair mass and careful examination of scalp. Trichoscopy may be used to detect hair twisting, formation of hard keratin mass and, nits and lice infestations.

This work presents a simple, stable and fast hair simulation system for interactive graphics applications whose CPU budget for hair simulation is small. Our main contribution is a hair-head collision method that has very little CPU cost and simulates the volumetric effect of hair resting on top of each other without the need for hair-hair collision. We also present a simulation-based hair styling method for end-users. This easy to use method produces hair styles for the whole head, and it is particularly suitable for abstract and exotic styles. It is applicable for video games in which avatars can be customized by the user.

II jpFair Faircoaay today and andtomorrow ana I II f FIVE SECTIONS SECTIONSFiftyTwo SECTIONStomorrowr rVI tomorrow i > E 11 FiftyTwo Pages PagesNUMBER PagesNUMBER I IeI e I V i I II Ih INUMBERhTNUMBER 2J220 22ao WASHINGTON 1V11SAI TGTUI T SUNDAY JANUARY 7 190G PRICE FIVE FIVE CENTSICHINESE UPRiSING UPHGOH UPRiSINGEXPECTED UPRISINGPreparationsI EXPECTED TROOPS TROOPSORDERED TOOPSORDEREDoOH ORDEREDo ORDEREDoor TO EAST EASTPreparations EASTPreparationsPreparations PreparationsI for or Cam Campaign Campaign Campaign paign Carefully CFCarefully Made Madeby l A Ab ode adebyb by r Administration AdministrationOTHER AdministrationOTHER AdministrationOTHEROTHER POWERS ACTIVE ACTIVENew ACTIVENev ACTIVENevNev Army Brigade Estab Established Establi EstabBled Bled li 1ied for h Philippines PhilippinesChanges PhiHppinesChanges PhilippinesChangesChanges in i 11 Command CommandAlarm Command4JpruaAlarm is manifested in Admtnistratlonchiles Administration Administrationcirejee Arlmlnl tratlon tratlonclretchiles clret a ato as to the probability of a general generalouftreak ge generalopt eral eralO1Qakouftreak O1Qak opt Iicceak Jn China Chin against pIR Americans Americansand Amerlconsand Americansandand American merteAn interacts as an out outprawth ou ouSTl outgrQntbaprawth STl of the boycott on American Americangoods Amertenn1J0ods Americangoodsgoods sad ad the general antiforeign feelings feel feelin feelIntin Int vhieh hteh seems He to be steadily growing grow growing growIng ing4t ingingAsAs 4t a precaution preeautloa r e8utl A this Government IB IBpreparing 18preparing IaFrepartngpreparing to promptly I cope with the sit situation sltuatlon sttuatton uation and quickly put down any an up upristeg uprlift uprieingristeg rlift that may occur To this end it itnow it itno Itnownow no develops de loltS that preparations have havesecretly hnve5ecrefl havesecretlysecretly 5ecrefl been underway for some me time timelor limefor timeforfor this country to rush several regiments regi regiment reglme ment me ments tti of troop and a fleet of worships worshipstoto China at a moments notice so to tospeak top tospeakspeak p ak Reinforcements are being rush ruahed rushf rushedf ed to both the army in the Philippines Phillpplnosand Philippinesand PhUbtpln65andand the American fleet eet in Asiatic Asiaticwattes Aiadewats Aaiatlewatstwattes sTroops Get Orders Ordersthe OrdersTwe OrdersTwoTwo weeka Ica afrO order were J issued ued at atthe atthethe War far Department for the First and andSecond IUIdSecond andSecondSecond In Inmi Infantry try and n the Eighth and andThirteenth andThlrtth andThirtpeeathThirteenth Batteries natt Batter des ies of field arUllery toprocMd to toproceed toprocHdproceed procHd to the Philippines 8 This order orderaroused ordernrouaed orderarouarou aroused d much speculation jpecu eculatlon latton but it was wasdenied wasdenied s sdenieddenied at both the State and War Departments De Department D Dportnumta partment that it was of any an special specialslgniaoaHce spedal11nJ1Ic spectalsignitpiseeslgniaoaHce 11nJ1Ic ee It wa was a caueually culiuall remarked remarkedthat reinarkedthU remarkedss that treop were ere sent to the Philippines Philippinesatat Intervals and troops intlie In tt1te the islands islandswere islandswere islandswerewere returned UtIIed to posts in thl this country countryReport countryRApOtta countryReportsReport of an alarming nature reached reachedthe r ruchedthe tlched tlchedthethe State Department yesterday it is rumored ru rumored rumored mored and following followin tills it was offl offlcially omdally ottirhallydally admitted at the War Department Departmentthat Departmentthat Departmentthatthat the issuance of the order was due dueto dueto duetoto the th state of unrest now existing exJ ttng in inriiina 1ntt riiina hinli and the possible consequences toMeqUeft eonaequ aces in incase Inor inoaae Icase of an outbreak Oll k As a L result plans plansre nlaJlsfOI plansfoere foe the thereotga reotJII rtKiiflaiUaalJuR of afQjo t tile army a rmy In Intho Intho inthetho Philippines Phtlipptaeaa > wuc tveU aj U tit ire aetfling se rlfng of ofadditional o oaddUlonal eadditionaiadditional ttoepeartterro tro tPIIi p Tw nj w l made do ana anaunder and andunder andunderunder the rbang Oban a Gen Leon ml Wood Woodwill Woodwill 000 000willwill be in highest command O commanda commandTh mmand i iMlt4 Tii Mlt > Government has been notified by byAmericans b bA byAnrAmericans A Anr rfcans of unquestioned reliability reliabilitywho reliabilitywho rethtbfitywhowho have been recently in China that thatthe thatthe thatthethe fe fe1in ling of hostility ho t lt on the part of ofthe otthe ofthethe Chinese Cbin e against Americans and andAmiriean andAmlriean andAmrAmr Amiriean ricmn interests httere t is i rapidly becoming becomingmore becomingmorft becomingmoremore bitter The apprehension ft now undoubtodly un un1l0ubte4lydoubtadly is that a serious outbreak tothat in tnthatthat empire pire is imminent imminentDurand ImminentDurand imminentDurandDurand Interested InterestedToe InterestedThe InterestedTheThe situation was discussed dl cussed at Cabi Cabinet Cabinet Cabinet net meetings frnn frl time to time it isunderstood Is Isunderstood Isunderstoodunderstood and following the recent recentrioting recentrloUns recentriotingrioting In Shanghai the British ambas ambassador ambassador ambassador sador Sir Mortimer Durand had long longconferences longConfereoneo8 longconferencesconferences with Secretary Root on the thesubject thesubject thesubjectsubject and it was one of the last lastsubjects lastsubjects lastsubjectssubjects discussed between the German Germanambassador Germanambassador Germanambassadorambassador and the Secretary of State Stateprevious StateprevIous Statepreviousprevious to the departure of Baron von vonSternburg vonternburg on onSternburgSternburg for the South Secretary Taft Taftand Taftand t tandand Secretary Bonaparte each began to toplan toplan toplanplan for an augmentation of their re respective reapectlve respoctive spective forces fn the Far East BastFollowing EastFollowing EastFollowingFollowing the ordering of troops to tothe tothe tothethe Philippines Secretary Bonaparte Bonapartecaused Bonapartecausod Bonapartecausedcaused sailing orders to the battleship battleshipOregon batUehlpOregon battleshipOregonOregon to be revoked The Oregon was wasscheduled wasscheduled Wti3scheduledscheduled to be on the way wa home by bythis bythis bythisthis time Um but now she will remain with withthe withthe withthethe Asiatic s squadron from retaining tin tt Oregon there it is isthe Isthe isthethe Intention of Secretary Bonaparte to tosend tosend tosendsend two additional battleships battJe hlps to tho thoFar thoFar theFarFar East but they may not begin the thaJourney thlljourney thejourneyJourney till the earlv earl spring springAt springAt j jAtAt the present Ime me there are three threebattloshlps threobattlosblps threebattleshipsbattleships in theAs tbe a Oregon and Wisconsin Three cruisers cruisersand cruisersand cruisersandand four gunboats compose compo the balancef balanceof jt > f the fighting strength at sea which in includes Includes includes cludes a R number of auxiliary cruisers cruisersand cruisersand cruisersandand colliers colliersArmy comersArmy colliersArmyArmy Brigades Briga s Established EstablishedThe EstablishedThe EstablishedTheThe aotlve steps that are being taken takenby takenby takenbyby the three departments of the Ad Administration Administration Administration ministration leaked out yesterday af afternoon afternoon afternoon ternoon when wh orders wore Issued creat creating crcatlng creatinging new heads of the departments of ofthe atthe ofthethe army In the U Philippines By direc diroaLion direction dlrectton Lion of the President Secretary Taft Taftwill Tattwfil Taftwqlwill at once establish two army bri brigades brigades brigades gades In the Philippines and General GeneralLeonard GenemlLool1frd GoneralLeonardLeonard Wood ood even now Is in com command command command mand of the entire forces fully In Instructed Instructed Instructed structed as to preparing for the exigencies exig exigencies exigencies encies of a campaign in China If con conditions conditions conditions ditions should arise demanding a show showof showottorce showofof ottorce force there He is said to be making makingdispositions makingdlsposlt1ons makingdispositionsdispositions already alread and will be able ablewithin ublewlUal11 ablewithinwithin a few weeks to place a a strong strongforce strongforce strongforceforce on Chinese soil if necessary fully fullyequipped fullyqulPDIJd fullyequippedequipped end prepared for service serviceGeneral sQrviceGeuQ11l1 serviceGenoralGeneral Corbin who has been in com command command command mand of the thoamlY army of the Philippines Philippineshas Ph1l1pplneshils Philippineshashas been detached from that post and andwill undwill andwillwill ba 1 > 8 transferred to St Louis LouisAccording LouisAoorardiDJ LouisAccordingAccording to the reorganization plans planswhleh n1answhleh planswhiehwhleh flnally ftasU gained publicity yesterday yesterdaybyby b admissions of both Secretary Taft Tnftand Taftand Taftandand Lieutenant General neral Chaffee chief chiefof chlotot chiefofof stuflf trt the headquarters of the brigades brigadeswill brJgadeswill brigadeswillwill h hI he at Angeles and Manila Advices Advicesof Advicesyrof an alarming character charilct r came In during duringthe duringthe luringthethe day from China it is rumored rumoredwhich rumoredwhich rumoredwhichwhich caused a change of plans It wasat was wasat vasatat tirst stated that Brigadier General GeneralPuns GeneralFUIltonaua GeneralFunwtonPuns FUIltonaua Funwton ton and Brigadier General Bliss Blisswould Blisswould Blisswouldwould be tt In command but following re receipt reIIt roccipt ceipt IIt r t liftJiiiirg d t dl iII g g another anoth r fighting fishtlnggonernl general to the theiv theti themti 1iv imnded m nded order directed Major MajorJohn MajorJhn Iajorntnt John Inm F I West Weston on to proceed to the theFh theP1 thePP Fh yiiKs iies t it t ti tp i merit at Lu Luzon on n succeeding Brig Brigien Brigt Brigtenten t ien J i1 j S So Tines n11s who will have com command commantl command mand of tho department of Mondanao MondanaoGeneral MondanuofknIftJ MondannoGcneralGeneral Bliss will succeed General GeneralWood GeneralV GeneralVoodWood V oodI EUROPEAN POWERS POWERSARE POWERSAREARE ALARMED OVER OVERThe OVERMOROCCAN OVERMOROCCANTANGLEMOROCCAN MOROCCANTANGLE MOROCCANTANGLEHas TANGLE TANGLETheThe Situation Situationcome Has Be Become Become come Entirely Sen Sensitive Sensitive Sensitive sitive sitiveWARLIKE sitive1l sitiveWARLIKEWARLIKE 1l ARLIKE PREPARATIONS PREPARATIONSRoosevelt PREP PREPARATIONSRoosevelt AnATIONS AnATIONSRoosevelRoosevelt t May Be CalledUpon Called CalledUpon CalledUpontoUpon Uponto to Furnish AnotherInspired Another AnotherInspired AnotherInspiredInspired Mediation MediationLONDON MediatiQJ1LONDON MediationLONDONLONDON Jan 6The Moroccan sit situation sltuntion situatlon uation uatlon has 166 suddenly thrust thru t itself to the thefront thefront thefrontfront in a n way BY that has alarmed Eu Europo Buropa liu liuroperope more than any international compilation com complication compUootlon plication within a generation The movements move movements moemants ments of t the Kaiser ICallil 1 have created an anuneasiness anuneasiness anuneasinessuneasiness in diplomatic circles which whichis whichIs whichisis not allayed ana cd by the reassuring state statements statements statements ments from Berlin BerlinSo BerUnSo BerlinSoSo extremely sensitive sensltlv has ltUI the situa situation situation sltuQtlon tion become that marine insurance in inLloyds inLlo inLloydsLloyds Llo ds advanced today five guineas to tocover toCOvor tocovercover loss up to any ny time before July 1 1In IIn 1InIn the event of war w r between France and andGermany andGormany andGermanyGermanyLargo Germany GermanyLargo GormanyLargoLargo holders ef French bends In Eng England land are perturbed perturb d over the outcome outcomeand outcom outcomand outcome outcomeandand are threatening to throw their hold holdings holdInGS holdings ings from the market marketA malk t tAA Swiss officer now In London on an animportant anImportant animportantimportant mission declares that Switzer Swftzerland Switzerland Switzerland land has already alr tld made extensive prep preparations Iirep Iireparatfot8 preparations arations to safeguard her territory as asin asIn asinin the event of a conflict eon lct It Is I b believed 1htllevedNorthern believedNorthern lleved llevedNorthernNorthern Switzerland would Guld be com compelled compelled compelled pelled to boar the brunt of the military militaryoperations mlUtar mlUtaropEratfons militaryoperationsoperations It to 1 the Arm belief of the theSwiss theSWIM theSwissSwiss people that the Kaiser i hr planning plan planning plannln ning nln to seize Switzerland Swltz rland aj LAd d eventual eventually eventually ly annex it to the German UmpireIn Brussels too there Is feverish ac tivity and reports Trom rom Belgium de declare d declare clare that the government is alreadypreparing mobilization plans to protectthe frontiers In case of war The busi ness interests of Brussels Bru eeJ however remain re remain remain main optimistic in spite of the factthat Belgian Belgian Be said gian bankers have been advisedIt IB said sa d t to o recommend reeomm nd the selling ofFrench securities securitiesFrance securitiesFfance SecuritiesFranceFrance Active ActiveFrance ActiveTance ctive ctiveFnnceFrance is credited C credited dltOd with UiiyJne Jrtli huge hugesupplies b hugersupplies o osUppliessupplies of forage for her herartillery cavair end endartilleryartillery art lery and It Is f trithw f th r rspo rspoenoimoua ipo l TlSff TlSffenormous 1enoimoua enormous orders orde orders have been 1oe jjl itleiZ1 l lntmUnlf10lt fffr fffrflsputehOH fffanimtlnl ntmUnlf10lt bd rrnspatehOH rflsputehOH from Paris Parl1F say say that the thegreatest tbt tbtgreatest th b bgreatestgreatest satisfaction prevails there thereover UttlreoV thereoverover oV r the report that the United Stateshag ordered orde Admiral Slgsbees fleet to toGibraltar toGlbrn1tftT toGibraltarGibraltar fixing th the rival so as to coincide with the me meet mfletIng meeting t tKIng K of the Moroccan conference oonter nce FromBerlin comes the statement that thereis a gro growing vIn of concern there th re over the thdeclaration of the British government gove rnmeat tosupport the claims claim of France In Al Algeciras Algeclrasgeciras as opposed to those of Kaiser K1 erWilliam WilliamThe WilliamThe WilliamTheThe chief fear of the bourses bou la thatFrance and Germany will 11l disagree aboutthe principles of Moroccan reform tobe dlscussod in the conference despitelast Septembers agreement on this thisquestion tblllqueatlon thisquestionquestion questionSir queatlonSir question questionSirSir Edward Grey the new new foreign foreignnecretary foreignf foreignsecretarysecretary f to the situation and the Berlin ex expectation expectation axpeetatlon pectation that the Lansdowne policywhich was proFrench 11ro French would be modl tied by b the Liberal administration has hasnot hasnot hasnotnot been mat matRoosevelt mstRoosevelt metRooseveltRoosevelt May Intervene InterveneIt Int > IVene IVeneItIt is thought here that if the discus discussion di discussion cuA cuAsion sion in Algeciras shows that Germany German GermanInclinedInclined to refuse France her rights the theUnited thfUnited theUnitedUnited States delegates Messrs White Whiteand WhitEILnd Whiteandand Gummere will m tender their posts postsand postgand oats oatsandand that President Roosevelt rather ratherthan see the conference collapse will willsheetIntervene In what a London uentn uentnsheet eveningsheet calls another divinely dlvlnel inspired inspiredmediation Inspiredmediation inspiredmedlationmediation mediationOutbreak mediationHRE medlationFIREFIRE SCARE AT ATNATIONAL ATNATIONALNATIONAL HOTEL HOTELOutbreak HOTELOutbreakOutbreak of Flame This ThisMornins ThisMorning ThisMorningMornins Morning Soon Checked CheckedAA fire In a vacant room on tho fourth fourthfloor fourthfloor fourthfloorfloor of the National Hotel Sixth street streetand streetand Streetandand Pennsylvania avenue avenue shortly shfrtl aftor1 oclock this morning croatod a 8 small smallsized smallsized smallsizedsized panic panicFor panicFor panicForFor a time It requIred the efforts of ofthe ofthe ofthethe police to quiet the fears foors of the theguests theguests theguestsguests guestsThe guestsThe guestsTheThe fire originated In a room naxt to tothe tothe tothethe one occupied by Mattie Iattl and Flossie FlossieLumsden FlossieLumsden FiossieLumsdenLumsden and Maggie Deoator three threeyoung three threeyoung threeyoungyoung womon employed as chamber chambermaids chambermllds ehambermaids maids in the hotel hotelThe hotolThe hotelTheThe young women were awakened bythe fumes of smoke and they th y quickly quicklynotified quicklynotltted quicklynotifiednotified the clerk In charge chargeThe chargeThe chargeTheThe alarm guests soon were aroused and hurried hurrieddown hurrioddown hurrieddowndown to safety on tho lower floor and andstreet andstreet andstreetstreet streetSoon streetSoon streetSoonSoon after his arrival on the th scene sceneof sceneat sceneofof the fire Chief Chle Belt sounded a second secondalarm sec secondalarm nd ndalarmalarm which was soon followed by b a athird athlrl t tthirdthird thirdPoliceman thlrlPoliceman thirdPolicemanPoliceman Murphy arrested two tW men menwho menwho menwhowho were going through the rooms of ofthe orthe ofthethe hotel They declared that they theywere theywere theyherewere frlonds of guests at the hotel and andwore anllwore andwerewore merely safeguarding the Interests Interestsofof their property nropert3 The men were taken takento takento takentoto the police statidn and searched As Asno Asno A Anono property was found on their personsthe persons personsthe personsthethe men were released on tho strength strengthofof their own stories storiesThe storiesThe storiesTheThe loss Is estimated at several hun dred dollars caused chiefly by smoke smokeand smokeand smokeandand water waterThe waterThe waterTheThe firemen expressed the opinionfreely that the timely discovery of theblaze by the young women did much to toprevent toprevent topreventprevent a severe panic which might mighthave mighthave mighthavehave been attended by loss ot life and andproperty andproperty andpropertypropertyLIKE AUTOCRAT AUTOCRATMIDDY AUTOCRATMIDDYMIDDY MARION MARZONIIS I IISIS FED IN BED BEDPlebes BEDPlebes BEDgPlebes Bring BringBreakfast g Him HimBreakfast HinlBreakfastBreakfast According Accordingtoto Orders OrdersNOTHARSHIKTREATMENT 0 Orders0THARSH rde rs rsNOTNOTHARSHIKTREATMENT NOTHARSHIKTREATMENTAccused NOT 0THARSH HARSH IN N TREATMENT TREATMENTAccused TREATMENTAccusedAccused Admits Having Had HadMorning HadNorning HadMorningMorning Meal eat Brought Broughtlolo Him HimANNAPOLIS HiUlANNAPOLIS HIllANNAPOLISANNAPOLIS Md Id Jan it1s 8 As u brought broughtout broughtoutout In the testimony t timo 13 today in the trial trialof trialor trialof Iof Midshipman P B Marzoni first cla clacharged clan cla8I clanchargedI charged ehars d with 1th hazing Midshipmen Rob Roberts Roberts Roberts erts Tye and Bryant Br aftt of the fourth fourthclass fourthrlas fourthelassclass rlas it was vas shown that the accused accusedhad a accusedhad u uII had a decided weakness WeakiuWB for having hi hibreakfast his hilibreoktut hisbreakfastbreakfast brought to him while in bed bedIt bedIt bedItIt was not denied by the witnesses that thatthis tb thatthis t tthlthis thl practice was against the regula regulations regulationa reguiatitlna tions of the Academy but it was wa such suchaa small matter that U t no compunction was wasfelt waafelt wasfeltfelt in n breaking the th rule In fact it itwas itwaswas occurrence for upper clasemen to hav havtheir bevtheir have havetheirtheir breakfast served them in bed by bythe b bthe bythethe plebes Of and frequently the upper nnnerclassmen upperclAamen upperelnasrnenclassmen did the trick A for r their room roommtvtes roomaa roomntMesmtvtes as some of the witnesses wltI for the thedefense tMd thedefensedefense d telUle testtflcd testtflcdMarzoni ttlllltffttodMarzoni testifiedMarzoniMarzoni on the Stand StandMarsonl StandIanool StandMaraootMarsonl when he took the stand and andwas anda andwaswas a examined cx lned by b his counsel G H HMann Hfnn HMannMann fnn admitted that he had to a friend friendly tr1eQdIy friendly ly way requested aUdsHipnian Tye and andBryant alldDryaftt andBryantBryant to bring brI him his bimWa t w whe whenhe when whenhehe did not show up p at the table Hedenied He Hedenied IIedenieddenied positively fOS tlvely that he had caused causedRoberts oaU1ie4Roiterta causedRobertsRoberts to do tho 16 M or that he had adattood hadstood hadstoodstood Bryant on his Head d or nta6 ntaae aim aimdo llillldo lintdodo the ML J Thera w WIJIO no has4utitor bia biatbe en enthe eathethe part of the accused denial He took ooeaJtOrt to say that he henever ben8v henevernever n8v r stood any fourth class man on his hishead h1ahnd hisheadhead because bfcau the th accused did not ap approve approve approve prove of it itThe IL ILTtIe itTheThe def defense n before the tta conclusion of ofthe ofthe ofthethe day established e8tabU he4 a II jro Mood d reputation reputationand repIIaUun4Dd reputationndand nd character for the aecntsod aecntsodMidshipman aCIIUstKLMidBhlpman aesusudMidshipmanMidshipman Roberts bay the j lwo lwocutioa roee woMu roeecutioncution u tJoa was not wflHAic wfit i1I1 tosfo to sy r r1Tjr t J It Itseasea 3faa f + aeifF Vo VoaJ a4tu a4tual05aJ al05 f4 i4 10 10itIIII ke yil 4ItIIl Wr VI > wI 4IIiR IiR Ott 1IiIt 1IiItsaId t tis1Tjr itet is saId a Kwrtit rt1t rtbc cI claltfmah Jbjr 1 t tname tDame the thenamename of Benson B MOh was in the closet cl t at the thesame tbesame thesamesame time Wltnes Witness rttn saXL J4 an upper olassmau olaae olaaeman a anlal1man nlal1 sent him to Mantoni who was u in inroom InrOOm inroomroom rOOm 83 to deliver the following mes message mtssact message sage sageIfIf she had been a dog dO she would have taken It ItIt in inIt itItIt was after delivering delherfn this message messagethat nteMapthat ineaeagethatthat be was ordered into the closet Re Replying Replying Replying plying to counsel for the aectned W WneM wit witness vit vitidness Mid id that he did not knew Manonl Manonlat Marzoni Marzoniat rarzenlatat that time nor could witness give the thedate thedate thedaledate of the occurrenceAnswering occurrence occurrenceAnswering occurreneeAnAnswering An wertns a question from the Judge Judgeadvocate JudpadOCte judgeadvocateadvocate Roberts said saidII did the 10 ur for fear that something somethingworse sornUln sornUlnworse somethingworseworse might happen to to me it I dW not notdo Botdo notdodo itExperienced 116 16 Also AlsoMidshipman Alsolmlhipml1n AlsoMfiishipmanMidshipman H H J Benson of the thefourth thetourth thefourthfourth class bad th to 18 1 done to him himat himat himatat the same me time with Roberts but he hecould hetouhl hecouldcould not tell who ordered him to do It Itlie itHe itlielie was not positive HslUve that the accused accusedwas aeeu accusedwas ed edwas Iwas In tho room but he might ml ht have havebeen havcbeen havebeenbeen there thereThe thereThe thereTheThe court was Informed by Lieut Com Commander Co Comander Coinmander mander B C Decker one of the die discipline dlaclpUne diecipline cipline officers of the academy aoodem that the theupper theupper theupperupper classmen had no authority to or order order order der any midshipman on his head or do dophysical doph dophysicalphysical ph slcal exercises exercisesThe exercisesTbe exercisesTheThe testimony of Midshipman B W WTye WTye WTyeTye who Is mentioned in specifications2 and 8 ac having brought Marzonls Marzonlsbreakfast Marzonlsbreakfast Illrzonlsbreakfastbreakfast to him on or about December Decemberand3 and 5 was to the effect that he h had hadbeen hadbeen hadbeenbeen asked in a friendly frlendl way Wft by the ac accused aecused accused cused to bring breakfast ta thls hls room roomand room3nd roomandand witness had done so about that thattime tbattime thattimetime He had no objection to doing the thefavor Utetavor thefavorfavor but still he would not have av8 done doneso doneso donesoso had adhe he not been requested requestedOn requestedOn requestedOnOn croaesxamlnatlon witness said heand lie lieand lIeandand Marzoni were from the South and andwere andwere andwerewere on friendly terms An upper class classman classman classmanman he said could ask a plebo to do domany domany domanymany things which the plebe did not notconsider notconsider notconsiderconsider hazing or running Witness an answered answercd an answered iswered a question by saying he knew it itwas Itwas itwaswas against the regulations to take food foodfrom foodfrQm foodfromfrom the moss hall hallFeared hallFeared hallFearedFeared the Consequences ConsequencesMidshipman ConsequencesMidshipman ConsequencesMidshipmanMidshipman Albert C Bryant of the thefourth thefourth thefourthfourth class a witness for the prosecu prosecution prosecution prosecution jtion said Marzoni had requested him himto himto himtoto bring his Marzonis breakfast to tohim tohim tohimhim Witness did not consider it an or order prdar order der but If he had not brought the break breakfast hreat hreatfast breakfast fast unpleasant consequences might have havefollowed havefollowed havefollowedfollowed He took to the accused a aglass a aslass aglassglass of milk on December Doa mber 4 Witness Witnesssaid Witnesssaid Wltnosssaidsaid Marzoni had stood him on his hi head headonce headonce headonceonce for failure to properly write a bazno ba bazoo bnzoo zoo He did not explain what this W85 W85It iyasIt was wasItIt was Wll the latter part of November thatwitnoss that thatwitness Utatwltnwitness wltn s was wa stood 3tood on his head He could couldnot couldnot couldnotnot recall that It was Marzonl who rIte > > or ordered ordered orderod dered him to do the sixteen Answer Answering Answoring Answeringing a question from counsel eoun el tor for or the th ac accused accused accusedcused witness said he felt friendly tri ndl to toMarzoni toIarzonl toMarzoniforMarzoni Marzonifor for on one occasion QC U3lon the ac accused accused accusedcused Interfered Intorf intorfecrod red when an upper class classman classman classmanman was hazing haz ng witness The prosecu prosecution prosecution prosecution tion here closed and the defense def nse opened openedby openedb openedby iby b placing Marsoni Mar onl on the stand standOJhc standhe standTheThe he accused accused proved a good witness In lathe Inthe Inthe the beginning of his testimony Marzoel Marzonldenied Marzoeldenied Marzoeldenieddenied that he had ordered Roberts to toto toto tototo do the sixteen or that he had badstood badstoodBoant stood stoodBryant stoodBryantBryant on his head and had ordered him himto himto himtoto do the sixteen as set forth in the thespecifications thespeclficaUons thespecificationsspecifications He had requested roqucst d Bry Bryant Bryant Bryant ant and Tye to bring breakfast to him himCrossexamination himCrossexamlnaUon himCrossexaminationCrossexamination by b the judge advo advocate advocate advocate cate accused said he first saw Roberts Robertsonon Sunday last Bryant he said was wasContinued wasCon wasContinuedContinued Con lnued on Second Page PageIt PagerrItHULLS iTuLL f STATEMENT STATEMENTININ MORRIS CASE CASENoNo Reference Is Made a eWhite House Incident IncidentDEALS IncidentDEALS IncidentDEALSDEALS WITH FAMILYHusband of Mrs M11IMonis Morris Saysthe Congressman CongressmnnDeftty CongressmnnDefttyAyoided Deftly DeftlyAvoided DeftlyAvoidedAvoided the Issue IssueThe IssueTIt IssueTheThe TIt affair growing out Ui of the e ct1on ct1onotof Mrs Mr Minor Morris from the White WhiteHtouaeHouse OB Thursday I 7 afternoon has taken takenonon a n new > phase pM ejree rgsotatice tlive Jrlull Iq ofIowa of ofIowa orIOWaIowa brother the Of otlJ Min Staris 1S SS yesterday yesterdayafternoon 7ute yesterdayatteinoga rda rdaattwwocaafternoon Jsfue > 11 thF tj k8f jh K which w ch at atgr atlr t tUWtUWt lr µ t jIJ 7iId 1c ll I1it rVNfiptt Oft ot th tht the theilitl4ilitl4 t it era eratlon if OIl to tofd toiiii tAr3 t > pMbrte pMbrtearil fd fdjtaaril gr leigHy l 4seaiMMk o thtrnafllt Jitmsel against againstebgse apna apnabaa againstebaiebgse ebai le ay baa t > tater sffcettng aft ettng his bisadministration hisI4Itna hisatlktratloeadministration I4Itna of t the entitle of theirfatherfather fatherMrs fan fatherDirsfanMraMrs Morris husband came to o Wash Washington WaabIn Washington In ington on yesterday from their the reme oate in inOhio inOblo inOhioOhio and at one once joined lus wife vrif at the theN tbeIllald theNwN Nw w WUlawl Illald where Mrs Morris torr till itill te isIn tein IFinin a condition of nervous e rttapee Maps consequent con consequent conaequent sequent oh tI b r White House xperienc IxperlenceHer axpeeenpeHer xperiencHerHer condition it is stated ta t te inwise lee such as to occasion eotcernSuggestive foncern foncernSuggestive foJree foJreeSuggestiveSuggestive Reply ReplyFollowing ReplyFOUowla1 ReplyFollowingFollowing the issuance of Beaiwen Beaiwentatlve Aepraaentativetatlve Hulls statement Mr t1 Morris Morrisafter Morrisafter Mornafterafter examining it i Luued > sued ued this senten sententious sententloua ten tenUouatious and suggestive reply replyThe reDbThe replyTheThe statement of Mr Ir Hull to thepublic the thepublic tbepuhllepublic does not deal with tho real faitsIt facts factsIt tnttsItIt deftly deftl avoids thf them m The present teeueisis the outrage matI1 perpetrated pert tratttd on Mrs MrsMorris MrsMorris Irs IrstlorrtsMorris at th the White hlte House Thematters ttera can be taken up at thetime timeWhenWhen Mr Hulls Hult statement was given givenout gjv gjvout givenoutout from his committee room atCapitol late yesterday yester y afternoonwas intense interest In it It was wasknown wasknown wasknownknown for some soll e time before itsthat it was to be made ma o publicexpectation ex clatlOl was that It would deal with withthe withthe withthethe affair trail at the White Houseto its issuance no serious attention hadbeenbeen given to the charges charg S by b Mrs Ira Morris Mor Morris MorrIris rI against the Congressman Con gross man andconduct c nduct of the Hull family estate estateWhen estatpen estateWhenWhen en therefore copies oopl of otthe thestatement were given to the press pre sIt became known that It wasalmost exclusively e clulveJ to a defense dtens againsthethe eharges ot Mrs rs Morris against Mr MrHull MrHull MrHullHull these charges took on a new In Intercut Interest intereattercut The affair was the one topicdiscus discussion dUtc ton about the Capitolany an further steps will be taken in th thmattermatter and what they tho may ma be Is onlymattermatter of conjectureThe conjecture conjectureThe oJcctureTheThe Hull statement follows followsHulls followsn followsHullsn Hulls u1ls Statement StatementThe S StatementThe ta tement tementThoThe deplorable events of the tJcpf past rt it r rdaysdays soom to render it necessary neoesstu necessary for nit nitto i r rto it ittlto tl make a statement st temtnt In the beginnlI desire to bespeak the kindly consider consideratfon consliuratlon consliwratlonatlon of the public pu IIQ for the members o omymy family prominently connected wtithe wthe unfortunate affair I cannot bellethethe public is specially Interested indomestic difficulties dUficultt difficulties of any al one an angreatlygreatly deplore tho necessity n cossHy hI or rany statement whatever I Cftrtuinlwould Certainlywouldwould not say or do anything whichwouldwould unnecessarily reflect on my sis sistor slstOl sistortor and ask those who may ma road wbI have to say to cast the mantle of char charity charIt charityity It over all of us usThe u uThe usTheThe trouble begun on lb the death of myfatherfather and has been continuous since sinceIt sinceIt sinceItIt is charged that I violated the provisions provisionsions of his b > will That I foiled 1 f l1 tied d to filecadlcil filecodicil dicn to the will And 1 understand i iisis further charged chllTie4 chargedthat that thakIfOlgeppsrt I Iforged forgeLlpart part o othethe will These lh e are ar are very serious cbafgos cbafgosand cbrg cbrgund cbafgos cbafgosandand if true tnJ I would woq1d ngt b bs MXltled IledtJ IledtJVennSIfOctnta pled pledevetteven VennSIfOctnta associate with WIth decent jlec declint nt pooplfe po pd6 Pl leeh rhprg t tu tr re a was made first In nr Jnhuary huar 1908 1908and lD lDand 3 3andand I will try tr and take tal the order in which it has conn epme mt into m mlifelifeMy life lifeMMy M father left me executor of th thestateestate without bonds Ho gave me on envelopes onclopes onvelopesvelopes clopes purporting to be first his will willsecond willflfeond willsecondsecond a codicil thereto executed mor morthan morthan ge H Judd of the establishmentsi establishment tabltshment tabltshmentofof Judd Det1eiler stated that of 1 his i iLL si std typesetting typ ett1 machines mae in all were were run running nJq nJqnlng iagning ning and that one oneoC one of his new men had had hadbroken hadbiilkenbroken all records He continuedWe continued continuedVeare continuedWW We Veare t are re really urgently 1i tly in inneed need of bat battwo bIIttwtwo tw men row At present Dt t to complete c mple e our ournative 9trl cur curantivonative l antivo tlyO force tt We te e can safely relY ssy thatw that thatw utVw w V have m II per sent of the men w wnt we weI we weneedI nt need > ed in z the aCtivb active cUvttwor work of of t our of office ortlce otflee = flee No job has ba been turned down downthis dtiwnthis dawnthisthis week week and we e haye have delivered a agoodly Itgoodlygoodly amount of of work We all have haveour haveour haveourour treats o a off fr and an some scp ne of us have gone goneback goneI gonebackI back to t08Ucktn sticking type but the work Is Iscoming Iscomingcoming out outWo outVaWo Va are not talking at all said saidByron saidB saidByropByron B roJ1 S Adamp Ada president of the theTyppthftae theTypothetaeTypothetae save to say SK that we arc arceminently arcomlnently areeminentlyeminently satisfied with the situation situationYou ttUUon ttUUonLL You hear our machines machln at work Look Lookinto LookInto Lookintointo our press room and you will wtnsee see a abusy abusy abusybusy scene sCene cene We Ve ha has 4 some country countryprinters countryprintersprinters wlu > are indeed handy men menThey menThey menTheyThey are used to doing dr ng everything eV LYthlng in inContinued inlConUnutd inContinuedContinued on Fourth Pace Pa eMRS J t F STEPHENS STEPHENSI STEPHENSSLIGHTLYINJUREDSLIGHTLY SLIGHTLYINJURED SLIGHTLYINJUREDWife INJURED iUEDWifeIWife Wi fa of Panama Canal Of Official Officialin Ofhclal = Ificial ficialin in Runaway Accident AccidentRARE AccidentI AccidentRARE AccidentRAREIRARE PRESENCE OF MIND MINDHorses MINDHorses MINDHorsesHorses Horses Were Were Frightened b Automo Automobile Automobile Automnbile bile Owned by PerryBelmont Perry PerryBelmont Pe y yBelniontBelniont BelniontFiight Belmont BelmontFrightened BelmontFrightenedFrightened Fiight ncd by b a passhig passpg automobile automobileowned automobileOwnoo automobileOwnedowned b 1 Perry Belmont of c > t 1 1101 1 Sixthenat Six Sixtbenth SlxtbeI1tl1tbenth sjet ST ss et t northwest two handsome handsomeblack handsomeblack iands me mebllblack bll l horses hoISO attached attach d to a carriage occupied oc occupied occupied cupied by b Mrs Joh JO Joln tfl n F Stephens wife wifeOf wifeat wifeofOf the chief engineer enghEer of the Panama Panamacanal Panamacanal Panamacanalcanal ran nnnway away at Fourteenth and F Fstreets Fstre Fstreetsstreets stre ts u n4 northwest ithWOl8t r about a ut 5 oclock yester yesterday yesterday ester esteri day i att4r6tn afUr ulcn and dashed into the build buildinjj butding buildinging occupod oecup d by the National Automatic AutomaticFire AutomaticFire AutomaticFireFire Alarm Company at H27 F street streetnorthwest str streetnorthwest t tnortltWOfiLnorthwest Exerting rare present of ofmind atmind ofmindmind Mrs 118 Stephens leaped from the theearrlene thecnrrla1e thecarriagecarriage and escaped escsv injitr injurf but thehorses the thehorses thehorseshorses were badlyirijured badlyirijured3trs badly irijured drijuredaIrs irijuredMrsMrs Stephens was wll home ODe ci t ct 1735 M street northwest As Asthe Astherehic1e Asthethe therehic1e vehicle neared the corner corner of Four Fourteenth Fourteenth Fourteenth teenth and hnq F streets Mr r Belmonts big bigautomobile bi biadtot bigautomobileautomobile adtot obUe operated operat d by Alfonso Beauois Beauoisturned BeauoisturQ8ti Beauoisturnedturned the comer and the chauffeur chauffeursounded chautTeursoundedJIR chauffeursoundedsounded soundedJIR his horn several times This ThisterrlflQd This Thisqurlftl1d Thistprri1igdterrlflQd the horses horses and the driver was wasunable wasunable wasunableunable to control them themCollided th thenCollided m mCollidedCollided With Railing RailingWhv R RailingWhin 1ing 1ingVhnVhn Whv > n tho team reached appoint a point pointrocth C Crortly CI CIrcctlvrcctlv In front of the fire alarm office officetho omcoUto Ofiteethethe rjrsos rS6S rses dashed upon the sidewalk sidewalkand si19w sidewalkand lk lkhdand hd collided ollfd d with the iron railing railingaround railing19Qunli railingaroundaround the t e stone steps stepsJust stopsJust1 Just as tho horses started toward towardthe tovardt towardthethe t sidewalk Mrs Stephens opened the thodoor thedOOr thedoordoor of her carriage and leaped to the thestreet thestreet thestreetstreet She fell to the ground and was wasslightly wagslightly wasslightlyslightly injured about the head and andbody andbody andbodybody Persons who saw 8 W the accident accidentrushed accidentrusqoo accidentrushodrushed to her assistance andher lu r Into an office building where sheregained she sheregained sheregainedregained her composure Thewas hurled from the box and painfully painfullyinjured painful13Injured painfullyinjuredinjured about the head headCONGRESSMAN hendCONGRESSMAN headCONGRESSMANCONGRESSMAN BROWNLOWGETS BROWNLOW BROWNLOWGETS BROWNLOWGETSGETS ANOTHER NOMINATION NOMINATIONJONESBORO NOMINATIONJONESBORO NOMINATIONJONESBOROJONESBORO Tenn Jan 6 6T The ife first firstdistrict firstdistrict firstdistrictdistrict Republicans today nominatedCongressman nominated nominatedCongressman nominatedCOnRTeSSJIlSnCongressman W V P Brownlow for reelectinn re rcQelectinn Q tiD 3a bAd no ouooalUonI ROGERS TESTIMONY TESTIMONYABOUT TESTIMONYABOUTABOUT OIL TRUST TRUSTALL TRUSTALLALL nil All TOO I UU MEAGRE MEAGRE1agnates IflLnullL IflLnullLMagnates MEAGREMagnatesMagnates Tips Would WouldNot WouldNot WouldNotNot Fill Small Sm a atai ll Pos Postal Pbstal tal Card CardTACTFULLY CardTACTFULLY CardTACTFULLYTACTFULLY QUIETS R RUgly ROW ROWUgly ROVUglyUgly Clash Between His HisCounsel HisCounsel HisCounselCounsel and Commis Commissioner Comnlissioner Commissioner sioner Sanborn SanbornNEW SanbornKEW SanbornNEWNEW YORK Jan IRenr Henry H Rog Rogers Rogfrs Rogers ers the first in command ot the Stand Standard Stan Stanard Standard ard Oil Company and likewise of every everytocalled everysocalled iflY iflYIiocalledtocalled trust that Standard Oil cap capital ca caItal cayihai ital has formed was a defiant defiant witnessbefore witness witnessbefore wltntu1etorcbefore Commissioner Commhi ioner Sanborn who is istaking Iiitaking istakingtaking testimony in I the th case of the State Stateuf Stateut Stateofuf Missouri Issmrl against a nst the Standard 01 OlCompany 01Com 01CompanyCompany Com pan of Indiana and four other ad adcompanies oilcompanies j jcompcompanies comp nld which Attorney General GeneralHadley GenfordHadley GeneralHadleyHadley of Missouri claims are really reallyowned rea1l7owned reallyownedowned boots and breeches by the theStandard tbeStAndard theStandardStandard 011 OilHadley 011Hadley 011HadleyHadley wanted Rogers to show how him hmthe himthe himthethe details and inner workings of the theoil theoH theniloil trust but the oil magnate declined declinedtoto give any information as to the bus busnese busness busnessness of the company although he did diddemonstrate dddemon diddemonstratedemonstrate demon trate that he possesses poBfJee es a kF k kP1 kP1sense ei Ptsense eisensesense of humor Mr fr Rogers was the thepersonification theplrsonlficatlon thepersonificationpersonification of ease e and composure composureInIn the face of a tense situation when whenCommissioner wl1 wl1Comm5 wheiCommissionerCommissioner Comm5 Ione Sanborn ordered W V VRowe VUowe 1 1RoweRowe counsel coun l f far r Mr Rogers to leave leavethe lea8the heatsthethe room for fOi interrupting = cressquts cressqutstionlng1 tinD8SqUESHoning zroesqueshh Honing ooing and Mr Rowe declined to otu uhy uhythe ubcythe y ythethe order Mr lr Rogers ROC rtl relieved the sit stuation situation SitUQtion uation by cheerfully remarking remarkingwould I Iwould Iwould ers is little known by sight in the thefinancial thefinancial thefinancialfinancial district He arrives and departs de departs denrts parts nrts quietly each day at 26 Broadway Broadwayand Broadwayand Broadwayandand few know him by sight though all alltalk antalk ailtalktalk of him and read of his financial financialdoings financialdoings financialdoingsdoings in the newspapers A sudden suddenmove sudd l lmove tmotemove on the stoek exchange in fart fartany tartan factanyany an financial deal of any size Is al always alwas always ways was traced back in Wall street toHenry vo voHenry 0 0HenryHenry H Rogers RogersStriking RagersStriking RogersStrikingStriking Figure FigureAA large crowd of brokers and an others otherssqueezed otherssqueezed therssqueezedsqueezed into the narrow offices of ofHenry ofHenr ofHenryHenry Henr Wollman to see Mr Ir Rogers Tall Tallof Tallof Tailofof form and well knit and straight as asan asn asanan n nrrow arrow Mr Rogers looks like a mili military mllitary military tary man A wellformed head is iscrowned iscrownad iscrownedcrowned with snowwhite hair partedin parted partedin partedinin the middle and brushed back A Awhite Awhite Awhitewhite mustache covers a firm and se severe Sf Sfyare soyore > yare mouth while the lines in the fact facttell facttell factttelltell of ot great strength and perseverance perseveranBehind persovernnttBehind perseveranceBehind 2ff7e9595c

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