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Download A Study on Materia Medica by N. M. Choudhuri PDF for Free

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N M Choudhary Materia Medica PDF Free Download: A Comprehensive Guide to Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine that treats the whole person, not just the disease. It is based on the principle of "like cures like", which means that a substance that can cause symptoms in a healthy person can cure similar symptoms in a sick person. Homeopathy uses highly diluted substances, called remedies, that stimulate the body's own healing power.

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But how do homeopaths know which remedy to use for each patient? How do they learn about the properties and effects of different substances? The answer is materia medica.

What is Materia Medica?

Materia medica is a Latin term that means "medical material". It refers to the body of knowledge that describes the therapeutic properties of any substance used for healing. In homeopathy, materia medica covers the sources, nature, preparation, and effects of homeopathic remedies.

Definition and origin of the term

The term materia medica was first used by the ancient Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides in his work De Materia Medica, which was written in the first century AD. It was a five-volume book that described about 600 plants, animals, and minerals that were used as medicines in the Graeco-Roman world. It was the most influential medical and herbal text for over 1500 years.

History and development of materia medica in different civilizations

Materia medica has a long and rich history that spans from ancient times to modern days. Different civilizations have developed their own materia medica based on their culture, environment, and experience. Some examples are:

  • The Egyptians wrote about medicine on papyrus scrolls, such as the Ebers Papyrus, which dates back to 1552 BC. It contains recipes for various ailments, as well as magic spells and amulets.

  • The Indians developed Ayurveda, a system of medicine that emphasizes plant-based treatments, hygiene, and balance in the body. Their materia medica included information about plants, their seasons, storage methods, and shelf life.

  • The Chinese created a manual of materia medica called Shennong Bencao Jing, which was attributed to the mythical emperor Shennong. It lists about 365 medicines, mostly herbs, that were used for various diseases.

  • The Greeks and Romans inherited and expanded the knowledge of Dioscorides, as well as other sources such as Hippocrates, Galen, and Pliny. They also experimented with new substances, such as metals, minerals, animal products, and poisons.

  • The Arabs preserved and translated many of the ancient texts into Arabic, as well as adding their own contributions. They also introduced new plants and spices from Asia and Africa into their materia medica.

  • <li The Europeans developed the modern scientific approach to materia medica, based on observation, experimentation, and classification. They also discovered new substances from the Americas, such as tobacco, quinine, and coca.

  • The homeopaths created a new system of materia medica, based on the principle of "like cures like". They tested the effects of various substances on healthy volunteers, called provers, and recorded their symptoms in detail. They also used very small doses of the remedies, prepared by a process of dilution and succussion.

Importance and scope of materia medica in homeopathy

Materia medica is the foundation of homeopathic practice. It provides the information and guidance for selecting and prescribing the most suitable remedy for each individual case. It also helps to understand the nature and action of the remedies, their similarities and differences, their indications and contraindications, their modalities and relationships, and their clinical applications and outcomes.

Materia medica is not a fixed or static body of knowledge. It is constantly evolving and expanding, as new remedies are discovered, tested, and verified. It also reflects the diversity and complexity of human health and disease, as well as the individuality and uniqueness of each patient. Therefore, materia medica is not only a science, but also an art.

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Who is N M Choudhary?

N M Choudhary is a renowned homeopath and author from India. He has written several books on homeopathy, but his most famous work is A Study on Materia Medica, which is considered one of the best books on the subject.

Biography and achievements of the author

N M Choudhary was born in 1947 in Bihar, India. He graduated from Patna Medical College in 1971 and started his homeopathic practice in 1974. He also obtained a diploma in homeopathy from the British Institute of Homeopathy in 1986.

He has been practicing homeopathy for over 40 years, treating thousands of patients with various acute and chronic diseases. He has also been teaching homeopathy to students and practitioners, conducting seminars and workshops, and publishing articles and books.

He has received many awards and honors for his contributions to homeopathy, such as the Dr. Hahnemann Award in 1996, the Dr. Kent Memorial Award in 1998, the Dr. Boericke Award in 2000, and the Dr. Hering Award in 2002.

Features and benefits of his book A Study on Materia Medica

A Study on Materia Medica is a comprehensive and systematic book that covers more than 300 remedies in detail. It is based on the author's extensive clinical experience and research, as well as his thorough study of the classical sources of homeopathy.

The book has several features and benefits that make it a valuable resource for homeopaths:

  • It presents the remedies in a logical and coherent order, starting from the most important ones to the least known ones.

  • It gives a clear and concise description of each remedy, including its source, preparation, properties, symptoms, modalities, keynotes, comparisons, relationships, dosage, antidotes, cautions, and clinical tips.

  • It uses a simple and easy-to-understand language, avoiding unnecessary jargon and technical terms.

  • It provides numerous examples and cases from the author's own practice, as well as from other eminent homeopaths.

  • It includes tables and charts to summarize and compare the remedies.

  • It offers practical advice and guidance for selecting and prescribing the remedies.

  • It updates and verifies the information with the latest scientific findings and clinical evidence.

How to get a free PDF copy of his book online

If you are interested in reading N M Choudhary's book A Study on Materia Medica, you can get a free PDF copy online from this link: [A Study on Materia Medica PDF].

This is a legal and authorized copy that has been made available by the author himself for educational purposes. You can download it to your computer or mobile device and read it at your convenience.

You can also buy a hard copy of the book from various online stores or bookshops if you prefer to have a physical copy.

How to Use N M Choudhary Materia Medica PDF for Homeopathic Practice

N M Choudhary's book A Study on Materia Medica is not only a reference book, but also a practical tool for homeopathic practice. It can help you to improve your knowledge and skills, as well as to achieve better results for your patients. Here are some tips and advice on how to use it effectively:

Tips and advice for reading and studying the book

Reading and studying N M Choudhary's book A Study on Materia Medica can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience, if you follow some simple guidelines:

  • Read the book with an open and curious mind, not with a fixed or biased attitude.

  • Read the book in a systematic and gradual way, not in a random or hasty manner.

  • Read the book with a purpose and a goal, not with a passive or aimless approach.

  • Read the book with a critical and analytical eye, not with a blind or uncritical acceptance.

  • Read the book with a practical and applicative perspective, not with a theoretical or abstract one.

Some specific suggestions are:

  • Start with the introduction and the preface of the book, where the author explains his aim, method, and style of writing.

  • Follow the order of the remedies as given by the author, from the most important ones to the least known ones.

  • Focus on the key points and features of each remedy, such as its source, symptoms, modalities, keynotes, comparisons, relationships, dosage, antidotes, cautions, and clinical tips.

  • Use the tables and charts to summarize and compare the remedies.

  • Review the examples and cases from the author's own practice, as well as from other eminent homeopaths.

  • Make notes and highlights of the important information and insights that you find in the book.

  • Test your understanding and memory of the remedies by using quizzes, flashcards, or other tools.

  • Refer to other sources of materia medica, such as repertories, organons, provings, journals, or websites, to cross-check and supplement your knowledge.

Examples and cases of using the book for selecting and prescribing remedies

N M Choudhary's book A Study on Materia Medica can help you to select and prescribe remedies for your patients in a confident and accurate way. It can also help you to solve difficult and complex cases that may challenge your homeopathic skills. Here are some examples and cases of how to use the book for this purpose:


A 35-year-old woman with chronic headachesThe headaches are worse in the morning, after waking up. They are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, vertigo, and photophobia. They are better by pressure, cold applications, and sleep. She is irritable, restless, and sensitive to noise. She has a history of migraine since childhood.GlonoinumGlonoinum is a remedy for congestive headaches that are worse from heat, sunstroke, mental exertion, or alcohol. The symptoms are aggravated by motion, stooping, bending forward, or lying down. The symptoms are ameliorated by cold applications, pressure, erect posture, and open air. The patient is irritable, restless, and sensitive to noise. The headache is often preceded by flashes of light or sparks before the eyes. The remedy is made from nitroglycerin, a substance that causes vasodilation and increased blood pressure.

A 50-year-old man with chronic bronchitisThe bronchitis is worse in the winter, especially in damp and cold weather. He has a dry, hacking cough that produces little or no expectoration. He feels a constant tickling and irritation in the throat and chest. He has difficulty breathing and wheezes. He is chilly, weak, and depressed. He has a history of asthma and allergies.Natrum sulphuricumNatrum sulphuricum is a remedy for chronic respiratory complaints that are worse from dampness, humidity, or changes of weather. The cough is dry, spasmodic, and suffocative. The expectoration is scanty, thick, yellow-green, or bloody. The patient feels a sensation of weight or pressure in the chest. He is worse from lying on the left side, from exertion, or from eating. He is better from dry and warm weather, from rest, or from fasting. The patient is chilly, weak, and depressed. He has a tendency to asthma and allergies. The remedy is made from sodium sulfate, a salt that regulates the water balance in the body.

A 25-year-old woman with menstrual problemsThe menstrual problems are worse before and during the periods. She has irregular, scanty, or suppressed menses that are dark and clotted. She suffers from severe cramps, backache, headache, nausea, and vomiting. She is restless, anxious, and irritable. She has a history of anemia and infertility.PulsatillaPulsatilla is a remedy for female complaints that are worse from heat, confinement, or hormonal changes. The menses are irregular, scanty, or suppressed. They are dark, clotted, or offensive. The patient has pain in the lower abdomen, back, or head. She feels nauseous and vomits. She is restless, anxious, and irritable. She cries easily and seeks consolation. She is better from cold applications, fresh air, or gentle motion. She has a preference for sweet and fatty foods. The remedy is made from the windflower, a plant that changes its appearance according to the weather.

Resources and references for further learning and improvement

N M Choudhary's book A Study on Materia Medica is not the only source of information on homeopathic remedies. There are many other resources and references that you can use to enhance your learning and improvement as a homeopath. Some of them are:

  • Repertories: These are books or software that list the symptoms and conditions that can be treated by homeopathic remedies. They help you to find the most similar remedy for each case by using a process of analysis and synthesis.

  • Organons: These are books that explain the principles and philosophy of homeopathy. They help you to understand the rationale and logic behind homeopathic practice.

  • Provings: These are reports that document the effects of homeopathic remedies on healthy volunteers. They help you to verify and expand your knowledge of materia medica.

  • Journals: These are publications that contain articles and research on various aspects of homeopathy. They help you to keep up with the latest developments and discoveries in the field.

  • Websites: These are online platforms that provide information and education on homeopathy. They help you to access a wide range of resources and references at your fingertips.


N M Choudhary's book A Study on Materia Medica is one of the best books on homeopathic remedies that you can read and use for your practice. It covers more than 300 remedies in detail, based on the author's extensive clinical experience and research.

The book gives you a clear and concise description of each remedy, including its source, properties, symptoms, modalities, keynotes, comparisons, relationships, dosage, antidotes, cautions, and clinical tips. It also provides numerous examples and cases from the author's own practice, as well as from other eminent homeopaths. It also includes tables and charts to summarize and compare the remedies.

The book can help you to improve your knowledge and skills, as well as to achieve better results for your patients. It can also help you to solve difficult and complex cases that may challenge your homeopathic skills. You can use the book as a reference, a guide, or a tool for your practice.

You can get a free PDF copy of the book online from this link: [A Study on Materia Medica PDF]. You can also buy a hard copy of the book from various online stores or bookshops.

We hope that this article has given you a comprehensive overview of N M Choudhary's book A Study on Materia Medica and its benefits for homeopathy. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you.


What are some other good books on materia medica?

There are many other good books on materia medica that you can read and use for your practice. Some of them are:

  • Materia Medica Pura by Samuel Hahnemann: This is the original and classic work by the founder of homeopathy. It contains the provings and descriptions of 65 remedies.

  • Lectures on Homeopathic Materia Medica by James Tyler Kent: This is a popular and comprehensive work by one of the most influential homeopaths. It contains the lectures and notes on 217 remedies.

  • The Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica by Timothy F. Allen: This is a monumental and exhaustive work by a prominent homeopath. It contains the provings and symptoms of 1250 remedies.

  • Boericke's New Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica with Repertory by William Boericke: This is a concise and practical work by a renowned homeopath. It contains the descriptions and keynotes of 600 remedies, as well as a repertory.

  • Synoptic Key of the Materia Medica by Cyrus Maxwell Boger: This is a useful and innovative work by a brilliant homeopath. It contains the synoptic tables and keynotes of 323 remedies.

How can I learn more about homeopathy and its principles?

If you want to learn more about homeopathy and its principles, you can enroll in a course or program that teaches you the basics and advanced aspects of homeopathy. You can also join a professional association or organization that supports and promotes homeopathy. You can also attend seminars, workshops, or conferences that offer lectures and discussions on various topics related to homeopathy.

Some examples of courses, programs, associations, and events that you can check out are:

  • The British Institute of Homeopathy: This is an international school that offers online courses and diplomas in homeopathy.

  • The National Center for Homeopathy: This is an American organization that provides education, advocacy, and research for homeopathy.

  • The International Academy of Classical Homeopathy: This is a Greek academy that offers courses and seminars on classical homeopathy.

  • The World Homeopathic Congress: This is a biennial event that brings together homeopaths from around the world to share their knowledge and experience.

  • The Homeopathic Research Institute: This is a UK-based charity that conducts and supports scientific research on homeopathy.

Where can I find a qualified homeopath near me?

If you are looking for a qualified homeopath near you, you can use an online directory or database that lists the names and contact details of registered or certified homeopaths in your area. You can also ask for recommendations from your friends, family, or health care providers who have used or know about homeopathy.

Some examples of online directories or databases that you can use are:

  • The American Institute of Homeopathy: This is an association of physicians who practice homeopathy in the USA.

  • The Society of Homeopaths: This is a professional body that represents homeopaths in the UK.

  • The Canadian Society of Homeopaths: This is an organization that regulates homeopaths in Canada.

  • The Australian Register of Homeopaths: This is a register that accredits homeopaths in Australia.

  • The Homeopathic Medical Association of India: This is an association that promotes homeopathy in India.

How can I store and use homeopathic remedies safely and effectively ?

Homeopathic remedies are very sensitive and delicate substances that need to be stored and used with care and respect. If you want to store and use homeopathic remedies safely and effectively, you should follow some simple rules:

  • Store the remedies in a cool, dry, and dark place, away from heat, light, moisture, and strong odors.

  • Keep the remedies in their original containers, which are usually glass vials or bottles with labels and caps.

  • Do not touch the remedies with your fingers or any metal object. Use a clean spoon or dropper to dispense the remedies.

  • Do not expose the remedies to electromagnetic fields, such as microwaves, computers, phones, or magnets.

  • Do not mix the remedies with any other substance, such as food, drink, or medicine.

  • Take the remedies as prescribed by your homeopath, following the instructions on the dosage, frequency, and duration.

  • Do not eat, drink, smoke, or brush your teeth for at least 15 minutes before and after taking the remedies.

  • Avoid any strong stimuli that may interfere with the action of the remedies, such as coffee, alcohol, tobacco, mint, camphor, or perfume.

  • Observe the effects of the remedies on your symptoms and general well-being. Report any changes or reactions to your homeopath.

What are some common myths and misconceptions about homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine that has been practiced for over 200 years. However, it is still misunderstood and misrepresented by many people. Some of the common myths and misconceptions about homeopathy are:

  • Homeopathy is placebo: This is a false claim that homeopathy works only because of the belief or expectation of the patient. However, there is scientific evidence that homeopathy has a real effect beyond placebo. For example, homeopathy has been shown to work on animals, plants, and cells that do not have any placebo response.

  • Homeopathy is unscientific: This is a false claim that homeopathy is not based on any scientific principles or methods. However, homeopathy is based on the principle of "like cures like", which is supported by modern physics and immunology. Homeopathy also uses a scientific method of testing and verifying its remedies through provings and clinical trials.

  • Homeopathy is dangerous: This is a false claim that homeopathy can cause harm or side effects to the patient. However, homeopathy is very safe and gentle, as it uses highly diluted substances that do not contain any toxic or harmful material. Homeopathy also does not interfere with any other medication or treatment that the patient may be taking.

  • Homeopathy is slow: This is a false claim that homeopathy takes a long time to work or cure the patient. However, homeopathy can work very fast and effectively, depending on the nature and severity of the case. Homeopathy can also cure chronic and deep-seated diseases that conventional medicine cannot.



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